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Kneesuits are perfect when swimming in the pool or outdoors. The Delfina leg suits offer a knee length swimsuit that is comfortable, long lasting, and full lined including the legs. Kneesuits are made with Xtra Life Lycra fabric (80% Polyester 20% Elastane), which is designed to be chlorine and salt water resistant, making it an ideal swimsuit option for all levels of swimmers. Whether you're a competitive swimmer or just a casual pool goer, a kneesuit is an excellent choice for your next swimsuit. 

Acquawear 自 2008 年以来一直在销售运动泳装。在过去六年中,我们还为游泳俱乐部、跳水俱乐部、花样游泳队、铁人三项、水下曲棍球和所有其他水上运动项目的比赛和训练制作定制俱乐部运动套装。您所需套件中的所有产品都将完全定制 您自己的设计、徽标和个性化(如果需要)。

我们为英国和欧洲的俱乐部定制了泳装。我们的升华印花、优质耐用面料、全衬里训练服经久耐用,经得起严酷的训练和比赛。我们还销售一系列速干产品:速干毛巾、运动健身服 dri fit T 恤和速干紧身裤价格具有竞争力,我们将全程为您提供全方位的客户支持。

我们所有的新泳衣套件均由可持续、耐用、高性能面料 Carvico XLance Eco 制成,可承受大量游泳运动,并且是一种再生塑料环保面料。 

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